
In creating this website, it is my intention to provide useful and interesting information about the work I do and also to have a forum to communicate with the wider world. Any information you submit to me via this site, I take great care to protect. Below are details on the kind of information that gets collected. Some of this is the very nature of running a website, but some of the features like workshop registration and mailing lists have their own specific lists of data collected.

If you would like to have your personal data removed from this site, please use the contact form to request your personal data be removed.

Information we collect

We collect information to provide better service to our users. We track that information to better understand user interest. We may also track how and when that information is used. We may also collect device-specific information such as what kind of device(s) users access our site with (ie., phone, pad or computer). This is done with Google Analytics, which is the only cookie set by the site.

Workshop and event registration

  • We collect and store information you submit to us when making a booking, for the purpose of reserving your requested space(s) at our event and maintaining a record of attendance. This includes name and contact information
  • Credit card numbers and transaction details of payment are not stored on this site. Your payment is handled by PCI compliant Square. For details, see Square’s privacy and security.
  • We may use cookies to temporarily store information about a booking in progress.
  • We use Google services to generate maps and provide autocompletion when searching for events by location, which may collect data via your browser in accordance to Google’s privacy policy.

Mailing List

  • We collect and store information you submit to us when joining the mailing list (name and email address).
  • We may use cookies to temporarily store information about a mailing list confirmation in progress.

Contact form

  • We collect and store information you submit to us when submitting a question or comment using the contact forms. (name, email address, address used for form submission and user-agent/browser).

Log information

When you use this site or view content provided by ExIT Shoes we may automatically collect and store certain information in server logs.
This may include:

  1. Details of how you used our service, such as your search queries.
  2. Internet protocol address.
  3. Device information such as device type, software version, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL
  4. Cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.
  5. This site uses Google Analytics. This works by adding code to each page which tracks your requests, but the details of that request (which are much the same at items 1-4 above) are stored by Google, not on this site. For details, see the full Google Analytics Privacy Policy.

How we use information we collect

The information collected here is used to provide, maintain, protect and improve the site. Information collected here is not rented or sold to anyone.